click tracking


Computer Science, Systems, Programming, Database, and basic usage

I began programming computers as a hobby while in high school. I always enjoyed helping my fellow students through tutoring and informal assistance. I worked in the computing industry for 32 years. I learned and used dozens of programming languages and technologies. I retain the ability to learn and use new technologies; and have a gift for logic and multidimensional thinking. I returned to college in 1993 and graduated in 1998 with a multidisciplinary degree in Information Technology and ...

Visual Basic

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Access

computer science



I use QuickBooks to perform the financial record-keeping for my consulting business. I have been doing so since 2007. I am not what you would call an "expert" user, but I have utilized all the functionality in the basic edition of the product, including: use of custom forms, creating estimates and generating invoices from them, receiving payments, maintaining customer and supplier lists and tracking expenses. I've also used the information from my QuickBooks account to prepare state and federal income taxes. I should note that I have NO ACCOUNTING background, so my experience with QuickBooks testifies to my work with QuickBooks and nothing else.

computer programming

general computer



web design


Alon G. from Venice, FL

David has helped me greatly with my school projects in various different programming languages. He was very helpful and I learned much about computer programming from him. I felt as he is not after the money but has a true desire to educate and help his students. I strongly recommend David as a Tutor!

Jay W. from Augusta, GA

David taught me how to begin writing codes for VBA in Access. Explained it in a simple way where as a beginner I could easily understand. Great person as well as tutor.

Vivian C. from Rochester, NY

Today was my first lesson with David and I truly enjoyed learning the topic of our discussion, Web Design using Html. I have no background experience or knowledge of Html and David skillfully increased my understanding of coding by using analogies that would create a tangible picture, thus strengthening my recall for later application of the work.